
Monday, March 8, 2010

Nineteen Weeks

Hello there! I know that I’m running a little behind with this post, but last week was just TOO crazy for me to find time (or energy) at night to put a post together. Sorry about that. Oh well, better late than never right? Right. I managed to squeeze some extra time out of my Sunday evening and put together an update for you...and of course I remembered to include pictures as a peace offering!

Maybe I should lead with the pics, huh? That might help...Here you go...Belly shot #1
Belly shot #2 You’re right, I hear you. I’m still small, but no matter what it looks like in pictures or real life, I’m rapidly growing out of my regular clothes. I’m down to four or five non-maternity long-sleeve shirts that I can fit my belly into anymore...and with the cooler weather lingering around, this could cause a problem.

Lucky for me, my lovely husband INSISTED that I go buy some long-sleeve maternity shirts this past week. I mean he really put his foot down. It’s hard enough to buy maternity clothes, knowing that you’re only wearing them for several months, much less buying something that you might only need for three more weeks! But luck was on my side – the layering Liz Lange maternity tees at Target were marked down on clearance to less than $4 each – so I got three! Hopefully these will supplement the slim pickings that are left from my casual tops until spring decides to officially get here!

Other then growing, I am overall feeling great. A little tired, as I’ve started tossing and turning some at night, but that’s to be expected. I did lose my dinner one night for the first time during this pregnancy...which was a shock to me when it happened the other night. I guess baby just didn’t want a salad, that’s all I can figure out! We had my next check up with my OB/GYN this past week and all went well. I did NOT get into trouble this time, as I’ve gained back the three pounds that I had lost at the previous visit. So I’m officially back at my starting weight. Not a bad place to be at almost 20 weeks...

According to, my baby weighs 8.5 ounces and measures 6 inches from head to bottom, making Ziggy about the size of a large heirloom tomato. The hair on her scalp is sprouting. This is a crucial time for sensory development: your baby’s brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch. Some research suggests that she may be able to hear you now, so don’t be shy about singing and talking to your growing belly.


I could be wrong here, but I’m pretty sure that told me two or three weeks ago that Ziggy could hear have I just looked like a crazy fool the past few weeks? Probably, but that’s nothing new!

We have a big week this week. On Thursday we get confirmation on the sex of the baby. Yes, you read that right, I said that we get confirmation. Our Dr surprised us last week at our visit and did an impromptu sonogram to see if she could tell the sex of the baby. We could clearly see what was what on the screen...but the pictures that she provided weren’t that clear. Since we have to keep our appointment downtown this week at the sonogram place anyway we’re hoping for better pictures to share at that time. Plus, we want the video! So I’ll be a stinker and tell you that we know, that our families know, but you’ll be left in the dark for a few more days.

But that’s ok. Don’t feel cheated. I had put together a list of old wives tales to try on myself BEFORE the sonogram to see if we could “guess”...and then I found out what Ziggy was a week ahead of schedule. So even though I know, I’m going to do the tests anyway and publish them this week. There’s just LOTS of fun to be had this week...even if you have to wait four extra days to find out what Ziggy is!

Talk to you soon...I have to go now before I spill my guts! :)